Wolf Mastertech Model VPP250KVM10 Square bag coffee poucher

Wolf Mastertech Model VPP250KVM10 Square bag coffee poucher

$45,000 (USD)

Available quantity:1

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Wolf Mastertech Model VPP250KVM10

sn 855

Vertical form fill and seal coffee bagging machine. Intermittent Motion machine for packaging free flowing pourables and paste like products for the food and non-food sectors. Capable of producing flat, gusseted, block bottom, and Stabil Pack bags.

100 bags per minute

Bag width 50-250mm, Bag Length 50-400mm, Filling Volume 6 Litres. With Allen and Bradley Panelview 600 controls and Markem Smartdate coder. Includes a 2 5/8 in x 5 1/8 in forming tube. Last running a 2 5/8 in x 5 1/8 in x 7 1/2 in bag with side seals and bottom gusset. No vacuum capabilities, no filler system other than a plunger that was used to push pods into the bags. 


ManufacturerWolf Mastertech Model VPP250KVM10 Square bag coffee poucher
Stock Number33779